3,285 research outputs found

    Introducing non-linear analysis into sustained speech characterization to improve sleep apnea detection

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    We present a novel approach for detecting severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) cases by introducing non-linear analysis into sustained speech characterization. The proposed scheme was designed for providing additional information into our baseline system, built on top of state-of-the-art cepstral domain modeling techniques, aiming to improve accuracy rates. This new information is lightly correlated with our previous MFCC modeling of sustained speech and uncorrelated with the information in our continuous speech modeling scheme. Tests have been performed to evaluate the improvement for our detection task, based on sustained speech as well as combined with a continuous speech classifier, resulting in a 10% relative reduction in classification for the first and a 33% relative reduction for the fused scheme. Results encourage us to consider the existence of non-linear effects on OSA patients' voices, and to think about tools which could be used to improve short-time analysis

    Evolución hacia la nueva internet

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    Conviene tener presente que IPv6 no pretende sólo ampliar el rango de direcciones IP disponibles, sino aportar nuevas características a un protocolo con bastantes años de existencia e inadecuado para las necesidades tecnológicas presentes y futuras

    ePatients on YouTube: analysis of four experiences from the patient's perspective

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    Background: Many patients share their personal experiences and opinions using online video platforms. These videos are watched by millions of health consumers and health care professionals. Although it has become a popular phenomenon, little is known about patients who share videos online and why they do so. Objective: We aimed to explore the motivations and challenges faced by patients who share videos about their health and experiences on YouTube. As part of a conference discussion, we asked several patients actively engaged on YouTube to make a video explaining their motivations. This paper discusses these videos. Methods: In this qualitative study, we performed an analysis of the videos created by 4 patients about their self-reported motivations and challenges they face as YouTube users. First, two judges compared the transcriptions and decided the exact wording when confusing content was found. Second, two judges categorized the content of the videos to identify the major themes. Results: Four main categories emerged: (1) the origin or cause for making the first video, (2) the objectives that they achieve by continuing to make videos, (3) the perception of community, and (4) the negative consequences of the experience. Conclusions: The main reason for making videos was to bridge the gap between traditional health information about their diseases and everyday life. The first consequence of sharing their life on YouTube was a loss of privacy. However, they also experienced the positive effects of expressing their feelings, being part of a large community of peers, and helping others to deal with a chronic condition

    Opinión pública y educación durante la transición a la democracia en Argentina. Primeras consideraciones y quía de fuentes documentales

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    A mitjan 1982, l'Argentina va iniciar, després de diversos anys de dictadura militar, la transició a la democràcia. Aquesta va comportar, a més del retorn a la normalitat constitucional i parlamentària, canvis substancials en tots els ordres de la vida. L'educació, considerada una de les peces clau del procés a mitjà i llarg termini, no va quedar al marge d'aquests canvis. Així, ben aviat, es va emprendre el procés de democratització, normalització i modernització de les institucions educatives, des de l'ensenyament primari fins a l'universitari, passant per l'educació popular i altres mitjans de formació i atenció de sectors de la població més vulnerables o desfavorits. L'estudi que aquí es presenta, que aprofundeix en els assumptes anteriorment esmentats, però sota el prisma de la història de les mentalitats, és el resultat de la primera fase d'una investigació més àmplia que té com a objectius principals aclarir els posicionaments polítics, ideològics i pedagògics de l'opinió pública davant l'educació durant els processos de transició a la democràcia a Espanya i Argentina, així com esbossar la idea d'educació manejada pel ciutadà mitjà i assentada en els imaginaris col·lectius dels esmentats territoris. En aquest article es precisen, delimiten i descriuen les fonts documentals, en aquest cas, editorials, articles d'opinió, seccions fixes, entrevistes i reportatges amb tema l'educació publicats a Argentina als principals diaris de difusió nacional –Clarín, La Nación i La Prensa– durant el lapse de la transició. S'ofereixen, així mateix, una aproximació al perfil dels editorialistes i dels articulistes i una panoràmica de les qüestions relatives a educació sobre les quals va centrar la seva atenció la premsa diària i que, d'alguna manera, van focalitzar el debat públic. Tanca el treball el que potser constitueix la principal aportació, la relació detallada de fonts documentals, fins ara sense explorar.In the middle of 1982, after several years of military dictatorship, Argentina began the transition to democracy. This led, as well as the comeback to constitutional and parliamentary normality, to significant changes in all spheres of life. Education, regarded as one the key elements of this process in the medium and long term, played an active role in these changes. Thus, the process of democratisation, normalisation and modernisation of educational institutions started, ranging from elementary to university studies, including popular education and other means of training and attention were addressed to the most vulnerable and unprivileged population sectors. The study, which delves into the aforementioned issues, although from the perspective of the history of mentalities, is the result of a first phase of a broader research that aims to clarify the political, ideological and pedagogical views of public opinion with regard to education during the transition processes to democracy in Spain and Argentina. It also outlines the idea of education held by the average citizen, which was settled in the collective imaginations of these territories. This paper accurately defines and describes the documentary sources used (in this case editorials, opinion articles, fixed sections, interviews and articles on education published in Argentina in the most important national newspapers such as Clarín, La Nación and La Prensa, and during the period of transition. We also offer an approach to the profile of columnists and editorialists and an overview of issues relating to education on which daily press focused and that, somehow, centred public debate. The work is closed by which is perhaps the main contribution, a detailed account of documentary sources, still unexplored.A mediados de 1982, Argentina inició, tras varios años de dictadura militar, la transición a la democracia. Ésta conllevó, además del retorno a la normalidad constitucional y parlamentaria, cambios sustanciales en todos los órdenes de la vida. La educación, considerada una de las piezas clave del proceso a medio y largo plazo, no quedó al margen de tales cambios. Así, muy pronto, se emprendió el proceso de democratización, normalización y modernización de las instituciones educativas, desde la enseñanza primaria hasta la universitaria, pasando por la educación popular y otros medios de formación y atención de sectores de la población más vulnerables o desfavorecidos. El estudio que aquí se presenta, que ahonda en los asuntos anteriormente mencionados, pero bajo el prisma de la historia de las mentalidades, es el resultado de la primera fase de una investigación más amplia que tiene como objetivos principales esclarecer las posiciones políticas, ideológicas y pedagógicas de la opinión pública ante la educación durante los procesos de transición a la democracia en España y Argentina, así como bosquejar la idea de educación manejada por el ciudadano medio y asentada en los imaginarios colectivos de los citados territorios. En este artículo se precisan, delimitan y describen las fuentes documentales, en este caso, editoriales, artículos de opinión, secciones fijas, entrevistas y reportajes con tema la educación publicados en Argentina en los principales diarios de difusión nacional – Clarín, La Nación y La Prensa– durante el lapso de la transición. Se ofrecen, asimismo, una aproximación al perfil de editorialistas y articulistas y una panorámica de las cuestiones relativas a educación sobre las que centraron su atención la prensa diaria y que, de algún modo, focalizaron el debate público. Cierra el trabajo lo que quizás constituya la principal aportación, la relación detallada de fuentes documentales, hasta ahora sin explorar

    Diplomado de profundización cisco CCNP solución de dos escenarios presentes en entornos corporativos bajo el uso de tecnología cisco

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    El diplomado de profundización Cisco CCNP busca desarrollar las habilidades necesarias para que los estudiantes estén en capacidad de administrar, configurar y diagnosticar dispositivos en redes de comunicación mediante el uso de los diferentes comandos aplicados a los swicht y routers utilizados en distintas redes, con arquitecturas TCP/IP y utilizando herramientas que permitan la conectividad entre sus elementos y un diagnóstico acertado de los posibles problemas de las redes. Se establecieron dos escenarios con distintas topologías en los cuales se ponen en práctica métodos de conmutación de redes y la configuración de distintos enrutamientos entre dispositivos para lograr la conectividad según lo solicitado y utilizando los protocolos propuestos en cada escenario, (OSPF,EIGRP,VTP entre otros). Tanto la utilización de los comandos correctos para la configuración acertada de los dispositivos como el manejo de los simuladores (GNS3, packet tracer o SmartLab) hacen parte del aprendizaje integral que requieren los futuros ingenieros electrónicos y que tendrán que poner en práctica en su vida laboral, por esta razón la solución debe realizarse a conciencia como parte de una educación integral y de calidad. Palabras clave: CISCO, CCNP, Conmutación, Enrutamiento, Redes, Electrónica.The Cisco CCNP Deepening Diploma aims to develop the skills necessary for students to be able to manage, configure and diagnose devices in communication networks by using the different commands applied to swicht and routers used in different networks, with TCP/IP architectures and using tools that allow connectivity between its elements and a successful diagnosis of possible network problems. Two scenarios were established with different topologies in which network switching methods are implemented and the configuration of different routing between devices to achieve connectivity as requested and using the protocols proposed in each stage, (OSPF, EIGRP, VTP among others). Both the use of the correct commands for the correct configuration of the devices and the handling of the simulators (GNS3, packet tracer or SmartLab) are part of the integral learning that future electronic engineers require and that they will have to put into practice in their working life. For this reason, the solution must be carried out conscientiously as part of an integral and quality education. Keywords: CISCO, CCNP, Routing, Swicthing, Networking, Electronics

    Improving Speech Interaction in Vehicles Using Context-Aware Information through A SCXML Framework

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    Speech Technologies can provide important benefits for the development of more usable and safe in-vehicle human-machine interactive systems (HMIs). However mainly due robustness issues, the use of spoken interaction can entail important distractions to the driver. In this challenging scenario, while speech technologies are evolving, further research is necessary to explore how they can be complemented with both other modalities (multimodality) and information from the increasing number of available sensors (context-awareness). The perceived quality of speech technologies can significantly be increased by implementing such policies, which simply try to make the best use of all the available resources; and the in vehicle scenario is an excellent test-bed for this kind of initiatives. In this contribution we propose an event-based HMI design framework which combines context modelling and multimodal interaction using a W3C XML language known as SCXML. SCXML provides a general process control mechanism that is being considered by W3C to improve both voice interaction (VoiceXML) and multimodal interaction (MMI). In our approach we try to anticipate and extend these initiatives presenting a flexible SCXML-based approach for the design of a wide range of multimodal context-aware HMI in-vehicle interfaces. The proposed framework for HMI design and specification has been implemented in an automotive OSGi service platform, and it is being used and tested in the Spanish research project MARTA for the development of several in-vehicle interactive applications

    Physical Education and the development of autonomy: the perception of the students of Secondary Education

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    Este estudio se centró en conocer la percepción del alumnado sobre el apoyo docente al desarrollo de su autonomía en Educación Física (EF). Se aplicó la Escala de Percepción de Apoyo a la Autonomía en las Clases de Educación Física (EPAACEF), diseñada por los autores de este artículo y validada con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas. La escala, conteniendo 34 ítems, agrupados en cuatro dimensiones, fue aplicada a 721 alumnos y alumnas de Educación Secundaria (347 chicas), con una media de edad de 14.4 (±1.5) años. Este alumnado recibe clases de EF de siete docentes, con formación específica en EF y diferente experiencia en la enseñanza. Los resultados muestran la idoneidad de diseñar la EPAACEF, porque permite valorar los comportamientos docentes desde una perspectiva más sistémica, pudiendo afirmar que, según la percepción del alumnado, los comportamientos que apoyarían un desarrollo de su autonomía se producen con una frecuencia «moderadamente baja». Los docentes obtienen mejores resultados en los comportamientos relacionados con la atención a la motivación, y con la atención al desarrollo cognitivo y metacognitivo, debiendo atender más a las necesidades del alumnado relacionadas con los ritmos de aprendizaje y con fomento de sugerencias y participación activa. Analizando la EPAACEF globalmente no se producen diferencias significativas en función del género y de la edad, pero sí en alguna de las dimensionesThis study focused on the perception of students on the teaching support to the development of their autonomy in Physical Education (PE). The Autonomy Support Perception Scale in the Physical Education Classes (EPAACEF), designed by the authors of this article and validated with adequate psychometric properties, was applied. The scale, containing 34 items, grouped in four dimensions, was applied to 721 students of secondary education (347 girls), with a mean age of 14.4 (± 1.5) years. These students receive PE classes of seven teachers, with specific training in PE and different teaching experience. The results show the appropriateness and validity of the EPAACEF, because it allows evaluating teacher behaviours from a more systemic perspective, being able to affirm that, according to the perception of the students, the behaviours that would support a development of their autonomy occur with a frequency «moderately low». Teachers obtain better results in the behaviours related to attention to motivation, and attention to cognitive and metacognitive development. They must attend more to the needs of students related to learning rhythms and encouraging suggestions and active participation. Analysing the EPAACEF globally, there are no significant differences in terms of gender and age, but exist in some of the dimension

    TECHNART 2017. Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritage. Book of abstracts

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    440 p.TECHNART2017 is the international biannual congress on the application of Analytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage. The aim of this European conference is to provide a scientific forum to present and promote the use of analytical spectroscopic techniques in cultural heritage on a worldwide scale to stimulate contacts and exchange experiences, making a bridge between science and art. This conference builds on the momentum of the previous TECHNART editions of Lisbon, Athens, Berlin, Amsterdam and Catania, offering an outstanding and unique opportunity for exchanging knowledge on leading edge developments. Cultural heritage studies are interpreted in a broad sense, including pigments, stones, metal, glass, ceramics, chemometrics on artwork studies, resins, fibers, forensic applications in art, history, archaeology and conservation science. The meeting is focused in different aspects: - X-ray analysis (XRF, PIXE, XRD, SEM-EDX). - Confocal X-ray microscopy (3D Micro-XRF, 3D Micro-PIXE). - Synchrotron, ion beam and neutron based techniques/instrumentation. - FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. - UV-Vis and NIR absorption/reflectance and fluorescence. - Laser-based analytical techniques (LIBS, etc.). - Magnetic resonance techniques. - Chromatography (GC, HPLC) and mass spectrometry. - Optical imaging and coherence techniques. - Mobile spectrometry and remote sensing